Need Tang ID Help


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jas1
It looks like an adult Atlantic Blue Tang (Acanthurus coeruleus)
Really really close guess.
It's a Doctorfish -- Acanthurus chirurgus
, it and the ABT are the only Atlantic tangs in the hobby, and might I add, not nearly as available as they should be. Beauty as a full-adult, they get even more blue. I had one, pretty cool fish, lost to pH drop in QT....
Not my pic, but one from google. Some might say the yellow eye stripes point to a Brazilian or S. America hertiage, but I don't agree.


Originally Posted by AquaKnight
Really really close guess.
It's a Doctorfish -- Acanthurus chirurgus
, it and the ABT are the only Atlantic tangs in the hobby, and might I add, not nearly as available as they should be. Beauty as a full-adult, they get even more blue. I had one, pretty cool fish, lost to pH drop in QT....
Not my pic, but one from google. Some might say the yellow eye stripes point to a Brazilian or S. America hertiage, but I don't agree.

Dang! I was close hahaha. I see the eye stripes and vertical stripes now!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by abeandlulu
I love montis tooo!!! NICE!
How big is you tank?
130 gallons, this fish is very active and a beautiful addition to my reef.
He is adjusting well,he likes the 6 footlong tank,he was in a 44 corner QT for 6 weeks.....he did not seem to like it in there.