Need the experts to narrow my choices


New Member
I have a new 55 Gal FOLR tank that is just starting to cycle. Emperor 400 bio wheel filter, Coralife 65 skimmer, 3 - 4" live sand, 60 - 70 lbs live rock.
Here's the quesion:
Once the tank is fully cycled I'd like to stock it with the most hardy fish I can find that still have some color and style.
Any thoughts?
I'm sure I'll get some interesting feedback, and I'm really looking forward to it all.


Active Member
Welcome to the boards

I am no expert but if you want color, how about a royal gramma and a 6 line wrasse. There are colorful Dottybacks (Pseudochromis). There is a royal and an orchid (both dottybacks). A flame or coral beauty angelfish. You want style, look no further than a lawnmower blenny.
Saltwater fish will provide all the coloration and personality that you could want
