
I am thinking about buying an open brain in a week or two and I was wondering if anyone had any good or bad stories about them. What do I feed them, and whre do I need to place them in the tank????
Any info is appreciated <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" />
I placed mine about halfway up in my tank.
I feed mine my normall frozen food mix that I feed most of my fish and I put plankton in my tank, but I have seen posts were people feed them silversides- I have not been successful at this.
Make sure you dont touch the flesh (lack of a better word this late at night) part of the brain or drop it. (Like I did once) If it gets damaged I think it is hard to get it back to healthy .


Active Member
I have a green one and a red one. The green one likes it better all the way at the top of the tank. The red one likes it anywhere in the tank. I feed them both krill a couple of times a week. In my opion they are very easy to keep.


Active Member
Hi Lerch
Yep agree with both Deuce and mlm.
I had two red open brains. One fell off the rock ledge I had it on, and it's tissue got ripped open. It did not survive this injury :(
Now I am left with just one.
It's jamm'n right along. Got it on the sandbed now after receiving some helpful advise from others on this board. Less risk of falling off again.
I've got mine under adaquate lighting for now, and moderate current.
I feed it silversides when it extends it's small tentacles after lights out. Occasional it will take food during daylight as well.
It's cool to see the tissue swell up as it pulls the food into it's mouths.
I've also watched as mine have eaten a couple of unfortunate hermit crabs and a Turbo snail that somehow managed to climb up into it.
I know ... go figure that one out <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" />


Active Member
I have a red open brain on the substrate and never had any luck feeding the guy.
I have had it for several months now and it is looking great.
There is a picture at my web site if you wish to take a look.
I have seen posts were people feed them silversides- I have not been successful at this.
Make sure you dont touch the flesh (lack of a better word this late at night) part of the brain or drop it. (Like I did once) If it gets damaged I think it is hard to get it back to healthy .
After reading broomer5's post - I fed my open brain silversides when the small tentacls came out
was cool how it swelled up!!! :)
i had a green one that i fed silversides. it sat up towards the top of my tank. during the move though it got damaged and i couldn't save it. personally if you have pretty good lighting they're not hard to keep


Active Member
I have had my green brain for alomst 6 months now, he is doing great. He sits on the bottom of the tank and blows up like a ballon every day. Some tips:
Make sure they have plenty of room the inflate with water without touching sharp rocks that might tear them
Feed them often, once a week or so. Turn off the PH and gently move the food ( mine like frozen shrimp ) alone the outside of the mouth. This will trigger the tentacles to come out and get the food. Once they grab it the mantle will start to shut, once it does then turn back on the PH.
Very easy to keep and very adaptable, love it and glows the brightest of any of my corals under the actinics.


Active Member
WATERRAT, my red open brain has extremly short tentacles and as mentioned before I never had any luck getting him to eat.
It is doing great however and swells up everyday. I guess it is getting enough nutrition from the zooxanthella.


Active Member
Mine also has very short tentacles, but just turn off the PH and place the food right over the mouth, those things open about 10X the original size so it shouldn't be a problem.