need to catch a fish


New Member
I have a pygme angel I need to remove from my tank . hE is very aggressive toward my other fish. What is the best way to catch him ? Lots of hidding places.


Active Member
Clear the rock from half your tank. Fill a couple buckets with tank water and place the rock in there. Use a small tupperware container as a capture vessel. Submerge this container in a corner of the open area of the tank, use a net to herd the fish into the container and lift it out. Your tank is not big so it shouldn't be too hard. Avoid netting the fish. It's stressful and can cause trauma to their eyes. It's down and dirty method but it works and you should be done with everything in less than half an hour.
These little angels are among th hardest fish to catch by the way, so removing the rock is going to make it a lot easier.


Active Member
wow ... thats a lot of work just to catch 1 fish..... gezz......but i know it probaly work really good and make catching the fish a lot easier w/o thing in your way....


if you do take out the rock... make sure no fish are in the rock... i was trying to catch a damsel once..... it got stuck in the rock wetook out... after we put the rock back in.... 30 minutes later... the damsel came swimming out:)