Need To Catch A Wrasse


lol.. with alot of patience and a net!
i got lucky when i had to catch mine, because it buried itself in the sand.. so i just scooped up the sand and into the bucket he went :)
you could also try fish traps, you can usually get them at your LFS, i tried them but my wrasse was too smart for it.. and would never fully go in... but all of my other fish did and they all got stuck


Active Member
That's why these guys are often called "rockmover wrasse".How big is he? Small enough for a fish trap? You really can catch fish from your tank with a tiny, barbless hook baited with a bit of their favorite food. Everyone laughs, but I've heard back from several people who caught their fish this way. (Usually damsels). If you decide to go fishing, no license required, get back to me and I'll pass on the fine points. I've done this for years and have never lost a fish.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Bite the bullet and get enough rubber maid tubs to hold the items in you tank get the little devil out and be done with it


New Member
I Was Trying To Find An Easy Way Of Doing It. Its About 3 Inches. I Wasn't Told That It Would Move My Tank Around When I Bought It. I Guess I Will Do More Research Onmy Next Purchase. It Seems To Be Eating My Hermits Also. Getting To Be An Expensive Mistake.