Need to move 55 gal tank - NEED HELP


New Member
So we are moving our retail store down the street to our new building we just purchased. Our 55 gallon tank needs to move as well, and I am pretty sure I am in for one heck of a mess.
Any pointers, advice, etc. would be most helpful.
I am planning on draining the tank to the point where the water just covers the sandbed at the bottom and downing a 4-pack of monster energy drink to get the oomph needed to carry it.
I have a 10 gallon tank I can store the fish in (going to get the 10 gallons to fill it from the 55).
Can/should I reuse the 45+ gallons I am going to drain out or take the opprotunity to do a massive water change (normally change out 10 gallons).
If anyone reading this is in the San Antonio TX area and wants to make some extra $$, moving day for the store is this weekend (Sat & Sun)!


have the spot you want to put the tank in ready to go and clear of any thing that could be in the way
have some help =D but DO NOT move the tank with water in it. This puts stress on the seams of the glass. Water weighs 7.8lbs per gallon so it adds up quickly along with the weight of the substrate and glass.
put the water in buckets, seperate the fish into different buckets and fill them to the top so the sloshing doesnt stress the fish. It is also a good time to do a water change.
keep the inverts seperate if you have any as well as rocks
relax it is not as hard as it sounds

I just moved my 75 gallon tank - water fish rocks and a giant hermit crab < the size of my fist > 300 miles mostly by myself
Besides a shock to my hand when i was unplugging my lights it wasnt to bad

GL !
save as much water as you can and have some new salt water will loose some in the move, and i agree with the previous poster...empty the tank...they arent made to be moved with water in them. I did the same thing in May but it was a 120...everything went well...the fish corals and inverts did better than i did!!!
Good Luck


I helped a buddy move his 55 recently. We took all LR and put it in a cooler. Caught inverts first and put them in their own ziplock with tank water, did the same with the fish and put all the ziplocks in an icechest tightly so they would not roll around. We drained all of the remaining water into five gallon gas cans. Put LR in first then inverts, then fish. Only loss was a porcelain crab that was smashed in the rocks. It took a couple of hours but everything turned out fine.