need to pick new skimmer for sump


the sump is a 29 gallon tank, with a space of about 11" by 14" to place a skimmer, so any ideas I am looking to spend up to 350 to 400 max


Active Member
With your budget and the size of tank you can basically pick up any skimmer that is rated for 50-75 gallons, even the more high end ones.


Active Member
aqua c 120 might be a better fit..its rated for 125g..$300 plus pump..i have one for my 90g..its been working well for me..


Active Member
but when i had my 24g running i never used a protein skimmer..and my tank water parameter are always on mark..although i only had 2 small fish and some corals..and i did run some cardon from time to water stayed cystal clear..


Active Member
ahhh well that changed everything...yes aqua c ev 180 will do..its pretty compact..not as tall as other skimmer rated the has a big mixing box so u have more contact time..


I don't think that the MSX 200 will fit in my space in the sump 11x14" and the footprint is 11.5x13", I really was aiming towards an msx skimmer, but I need a skimmer that is good and fits in my sump!!


Active Member
The MSX 160 would definitely fit, and is an awesome skimmer. I have one in my 65 gallon right now and it is great. I am upgrading soon to a 120 gal, and Will probably upgrade to a msx 200....maybe even the
The 160 would handle a 90 gallon with no problems, I just recommended the 200 because it is only $20 more money right now.


I run an Aqua-c EV-180 in my sump on my 90. It seems to do a better job than the euroreef I am running on my 120 but that is probably because the bioload in the 90 FOWLR is higher than in the 120 Reef.