need to understand..


New Member
I was thinking about sumps and wet/dry filters..I don't understand how the sump works. How does the water get from the tank to the sump? If any one can give me an overall explianation that would be great. I have also heard about DIY sumps?
Need help
Thanks Nikki


Active Member
The water gets to the sump via an OverFlow box that hangs on the inside and the outside of the tank, it has a bulkhead, with different sizes, depending on your flow needs. A sump is used for several things. Hide your equipment for one thing, a refugium for another. A wet dry utilizes bio balls or other material to grow bacteria that help maintain the water. But, they also collect debre and can give you problems with trates. But in any case, once the water is in the sump, it is returned via a return pump that matches the overflow rate of the overflow box.