New Member
I've been absent from this sight for about a year and a half. My 27g ReefTank is doing great. I have Live Rock and BackPack Skimmer, and some pumps. 3 Clownfish, 3 damsels, and about 100 hermits/Snalees/Emerald crabs all together.
My question is:
I have a friend who is looking at getting a 100g ReefTank with the back corners cut out for filtration. What is the latest and greatest recopmmendations for this setup. I'm looking at opinions for lighting, filetrs, skimmers.
I have learned alot from this sight and my 27g RT is living proof. I just haven't been paying attention to the latest gadgets since you LR does all the work.
I've been absent from this sight for about a year and a half. My 27g ReefTank is doing great. I have Live Rock and BackPack Skimmer, and some pumps. 3 Clownfish, 3 damsels, and about 100 hermits/Snalees/Emerald crabs all together.
My question is:
I have a friend who is looking at getting a 100g ReefTank with the back corners cut out for filtration. What is the latest and greatest recopmmendations for this setup. I'm looking at opinions for lighting, filetrs, skimmers.
I have learned alot from this sight and my 27g RT is living proof. I just haven't been paying attention to the latest gadgets since you LR does all the work.