Need your Advice


O.k. i've been browsing craigslist for awhile and i've narrowed it down to 2 diffrent setups that i think are nice, i only plan on doing FOWLR for now i plan on getting a porcupine puffer and maybe like a maroon clown (they compatible right???) these are the 2 setups and what come's with each let me know which one u think is the better deal if u dont mind and also what other equip i might need. the first is $400 obo
90 gallon oceanic tank predrilled with 3/4 inch thick glass
black stand
20 gallon sump enclosure
megaflow 3 sump
protein skimmer
filter media
2 bulb canopy light for reef tanks
2 extra brand new bulbs
this one is 300$ obo
72 gallon- black, bowfront, pre-drilled with overflow unit. with matching cabinet/stand, 20 gallon sump, digital thermometer, and magfloat
Mag Drive 9.5 Return Pump
Rio 1700
Maxi Jet 400 w/o suction cup bracket
with the second one im still gonna have to get a protien skimmer right??
and i know ima have to get lights i found a coral life 48in deluxe lunar series fixture a seaclone skimmer package for 200 basically im can probally get the second setup for 375-450$
im just curious as to which one u professional's think is the better deal PLS help so i cant start this ASAP thanks alot


What kind of skimmer comes with the first one? Because there are some worthless skimmers out there, so you should find out before you buy. Also, both setups are not big enough to house a porcupine puffer for its entire life span. These fish get really big and are messy eaters.