
i have a coral beate and it has ich i was wondering if i could put him in a qt tank with my lion the lion is in the qt tank whice is 22 gallons and he is being treated whit coppercure2 and pargon and if i can put the angel in there how long should i leave him in there any info will help thanks the olny reason i am asking in here is beacaus no one is giveing me any info in the diease area thanks agian <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" />


quote"the olny reason i am asking in here is beacaus no one is giveing me any info in the diease area"

This is simply not true. We have answered your question in the disease forum. The bottom line is that you can treat both your coral beauty and lionfish in the same quarentine tank using the same treatment. HYPOSALINITY.
This will eliminate ich, and once the ich starts to subside you can start your treatment for the bacterial infection on the lion. I will also recommend you treat all your fish from the main tank since two of your fish have it, most likely they all have it. Hyposalinity treatments take 30-45days. Leave the main tank fishless for 45 days, and once you return everybody, the ich will remain gone.
Once you have eliminated the ich, don't add any new fish unless your quaretine them first.
If you heart is set on using copper, then make sure you are testing this at least twice a day. Copper is effective for eliminating ich, however it is toxic and you must be in the therapeutic window for it to work (depending on the type of copper your daily concentration will range from .1-.2-check the bottle to ensure you are using the correct dose). treatment in copper takes 10days. However unless you treat the other fish in the main tank, returning the copper treated animals into the main tank will do nothing but allow them to be reinfected.
I'm sorry this is long, and I'm sorry you didn't find the answers in the diesase forum.
my opinion
PS whats in paragon?