Needing info on a sump!

Hey all me and the hubby was talking and was wanting to do a sump to the 135 gallon. We don't know anything about them so any advice would be sweet! Is there any way we could do a sump with out drilling holes in the tank?? I seen a external filter but i don't understand how that wouldn't suck all of the water out of the sump and put in in the other tank?! What all would we need etc Thanks all in advance!

keith burn

Active Member
Use a hang off the back overflow box sys.
1 hob overflow box
2 hose to run from top to sump
3 pump to bring back to tank
4 sump


scopus tang

Active Member
IME overflows suck! If the powershuts off, the siphon is broken, water stops draining down. Then power kicks back on and water all gets pumped up into tank. Overflow not working = water all over the floor!!!!!! Very Very Messy
If you do so I would definately recommend drilling the tank, much better solution. Good luck


Originally Posted by Scopus Tang
IME overflows suck! If the powershuts off, the siphon is broken, water stops draining down. Then power kicks back on and water all gets pumped up into tank. Overflow not working = water all over the floor!!!!!! Very Very Messy
If you do so I would definately recommend drilling the tank, much better solution. Good luck

These types of problems can happen, but are solvable.


Active Member
use a lifereef overflow box. most run into problems with the syphon not starting because they are using cheap knock off overflow boxes.
you can run into a messy floor with a drilled tank too if the plumbing isn't secure. i have had friends that had the return line shoot off of the return pump when the power came back on.....he didn't want to use a clamp because he thought the barbed end was snug enough on the return line (braided hose).