needing plant frags for refugium


I don't think there is another soul in idaho whose even heard of macroalgea. anyone want to send some frags to me? i'll pay for shipping.

randy 12

Hey, where in Idaho are you? What type of frags are you looking for? When you say macro, are you talking caulerpa?
We have relatives in Idaho that are coming for Christmas and then going back after Christmas.

randy 12

Have relatives in Buhl and Boise. But my husband's brother is coming for Christmas and he lives in Heyburn. Is that near you? Sorry, I don't know my Idaho geography very well.


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by Goobernif
I'm actually suprised that beaslbob hasn't replied, isn't he the King of Saltwater plants?

:D :joy: :yes:
and a general :scared:
I would but I only got a 20g macro algae culture tank and a 55g display. Allof which are growing under NO type lighting. (therefore slowly). Maybe when I get enough in the display, I be able to help out more.


I've got an order of red grape caulerpa coming in to go into a second 10g fuge, I might set up a third 10 gallon fuge for the spaghetti, or I might just put it in with my razor, however my quantity on razor is poor do to last trade in. I almost lost all my green grape caulerpa due to poor harvesting last time. I need to be more careful.


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by JBSTUART
I've got an order of red grape caulerpa coming in to go into a second 10g fuge, I might set up a third 10 gallon fuge for the spaghetti, or I might just put it in with my razor, however my quantity on razor is poor do to last trade in. I almost lost all my green grape caulerpa due to poor harvesting last time. I need to be more careful.

I also had problems with green grape. Whatever the problems were, my kelp-like caulpera just keeps on going. And doesn't even grow all that fast once the nitrAtes are down.