nemo go bye bye..


Active Member
well last nite i got 60#s of lr and the night b4 a damsel, two copperband butterflys, and ast title states a clarki clown. i got a remora skimmer last nite but the guy told me to turn it off at night so the eels wouldnt try to go in the intake (im guessing that was a bad idea) well i awoke this morning to find my copperbands my lion and the clown as well as some hermits dead. im testing my levels now.
ammonia: 0.50 (im guessing from the fish being in there overnight)
my lemon butterfly and sailfin tang r still MIA
any ideas what caused this?


Active Member
Yup, all of the above.
Too many fish.
Lots of new LR.
Probably lots of disruption in the tank....
just to start.
How old is this tank?


Active Member
well the lr was cured and the fish i got rather gradually. whats odd is there was the levels wer normal last nite(aka ammonia 0, nitra 0,nitri 12, pH 8.0) and then this morning they sky rocketed. so far my ammonia still hovers at 0.50, and my trates have gone down from 50 to about 10 so optomism is arise. i havent checked pH or nitrite yet so im hoping those have improved in the 8 hours ive been gone..


Active Member
...As long as you've been here you think you would have learned not to present such a large bioload to a tank so quickly...
How large is the tank?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Sharkboy13
well the lr was cured and the fish i got rather gradually. whats odd is there was the levels wer normal last nite(aka ammonia 0, nitra 0,nitri 12, pH 8.0) and then this morning they sky rocketed. so far my ammonia still hovers at 0.50, and my trates have gone down from 50 to about 10 so optomism is arise. i havent checked pH or nitrite yet so im hoping those have improved in the 8 hours ive been gone..
It would take an hour or more after adding the new live rock for the ammonia and other chemicals to diffuse through the water depending on the amount of flow you have. Without a massive water change, your nitrates would not drop from 50 ppm to ppm 10 in a 24 hr. period; I would question the accuracy of that result. Cured live rock is not "cured" if it has been out of the water for more than an hour or two, die off begins almost immediately and progressively gets worse the longer it is out of the water and many rip-off local fish stores sell some horrible live rock with tons of die-off as "cured" rock. If it stinks or smells even remotely undesirable it is not cured! Cured live rock should smell like the ocean and not make you grimace and/or curl your lip when you smell it directly.


Active Member
well i dono, i guess 75% isnt a massize water change, and its a 70gal, my levels r down to safe zones yet i am still watching them cautiously, hose and bucket in hand..oh and it did smell like the ocean..