Neon Dottyback


Ugh...once again trying to find a great stocking list...
...It's pretty much impossible in this hobby, once you think you have a great one, you see one more fish you want to sneak in, but you know you can't. This time with me it is the Neon Dottyback. Reading about them it says that they are this an understatement? Anyone with experience with these little beauties, please speak up! :thinking:


Active Member
Beautiful,shy and can be pretty nasty. If you like psuedochromis,consider a is the least aggressive,and a gorgeous color.Careful not to mistake a strawberry..sometimes called purple.... they can be aggressive.Bicolors are really afggressive..


Active Member
A friend of mine has a strawberry he got to remove some sort of worm. Worms are gone but now he is just plain nasty!!! He plans to switch to sand soon and said the dotty has got to go.