Neon Gobies

I have 2 Neon gobies and absolutely love 'em. They keep my fish clean of parasites and make little caves and crevices their home.
in a 100g tank i would have about 8 neons, of course it that would be only your cleaner species. If u plan to get shrimps, I would get about 5 or 6 <img src="graemlins//yeahright.gif" border="0" alt="[yeahright]" />


Active Member
nice and friendly fish, in a 100 gallon, exactly what other species are you talking about,??


I have my heart set on these fish, of course in very careful cycled timing and proper order introduction, hopefully.
1) Royal Gramma
2) Yellow headed or Pearly Jaw
3) Flame Angel
4) Percula Clown
5) Clarkii Clown (introduced together as babies).
6) Powder Blue Tang
7) Mandarinfish
8) Neon Gobies (?)
9) Bangaii Cardinal
What do you think?


Thanks a lot for the info!! Do you think it's a bad idea to have a jawfish and a mandarin in a 100 gallon?
Also, can I have more than one Percula if I stay with that and introduce them as babies?


I've read in a book that neon gobies have a short lifespan of two years.
Can someone confirm this? <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" />

sinner's girl

yes, you can have more than one Percula if introduce them as babies and even if you don't. it's best to get them at the same time, but you can make them get along. (though it might be stressful...not sure who got stressed more, me or the fish...)
since I don't have any of the other fish I can't comment on that.