Neon goby with slash now fins being eaten away...


My neon goby appears to have suffered a slash on his side the night before yesterday (monday night) and now his fins are progressingly appearing worse (almost looks like ich does when eating away at a fin but with no spots on the body, only fins). The purple tang is fine and the clowns look fine except for the male clown has some blackish brown irregular splotches (the size of a spot but just not round).. I'll try for a picture, but I seriously doubt I can get either with my camera.
No new additions except for some corals. Ensured that all the water from bringing in corals was gone and replaced with mine prior to additions. Parameters are good. 0/0/<5 (amm/trite/trate)
All of the fish are acting normal with the exeption of the injury and fin problem on neon.


After spending the last 5 hours trying to lure him into a clear 2 litre bottle, I have relocated him to the hospital tank. I have considered the use of Maracyn two to prevent an infection of the cut, but wasn't sure. That tank had been previously treated with copper (once) back in january. It had a damsel in there until the transfer today, so it shouldn't have a problem keeping up with the bioload of a little neon goby. Anway. Not sure if I will hypo or not, as I do not have any definitive ich signs, possibly just some sort of bacterial infection on the fins.
Any advice would be great (beth/terry, or anyone else's opinions for that matter, are very welcome.)


Yes, it appears it was attacked in the night! Not sure by what...never have had any similar incidents. No recent live rock additions that could have brought something in, but there have been some moltings of a very small crab (rock crab?) that could be the culprit as I had cut down on feedings possibly provoking the attack due to lack of other available food.
The goby seems to be doing OK in the HT. The cut is pretty clean, as if cut by razor. So hopefully it will heal up good.
I will update if condition requires further attention. When initially posting I didn't expect to be able to catch the goby, but fortunately the fish is in safe quarters for the time being.


Ok. I'll due those things mentioned. I already had dosed the Maracyn because it did look like there was some sort of white stuff around the wound area. After the first dose of M2, it disappeared within about four hours. I'll add some stress coat.
What does the beta glucan do? Think GNC would have it?