My neon goby appears to have suffered a slash on his side the night before yesterday (monday night) and now his fins are progressingly appearing worse (almost looks like ich does when eating away at a fin but with no spots on the body, only fins). The purple tang is fine and the clowns look fine except for the male clown has some blackish brown irregular splotches (the size of a spot but just not round).. I'll try for a picture, but I seriously doubt I can get either with my camera.
No new additions except for some corals. Ensured that all the water from bringing in corals was gone and replaced with mine prior to additions. Parameters are good. 0/0/<5 (amm/trite/trate)
All of the fish are acting normal with the exeption of the injury and fin problem on neon.
No new additions except for some corals. Ensured that all the water from bringing in corals was gone and replaced with mine prior to additions. Parameters are good. 0/0/<5 (amm/trite/trate)
All of the fish are acting normal with the exeption of the injury and fin problem on neon.