Neptune's AquaController


Active Member
I'm ready to purchase this and can't decide between the Jr and 3
I've looked at JR + temp probe + DC8 + serial port as a package and would need to add at least the ph probe and alarm module to it.
The more I look, the more I like the more advanced features of the 3.
If I get the 3, what should I get with it? I want to be able to use my laptop to do the reporting, programming and possibly getting alarms via my laptop and my office wireless network.

matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by SpiderWoman
I'm ready to purchase this and can't decide between the Jr and 3
I've looked at JR + temp probe + DC8 + serial port as a package and would need to add at least the ph probe and alarm module to it.
The more I look, the more I like the more advanced features of the 3.
If I get the 3, what should I get with it? I want to be able to use my laptop to do the reporting, programming and possibly getting alarms via my laptop and my office wireless network.
If you want all that I would go with the 3. I dont know much about it but I do know if you want ALOT of extras just go with the 3. I have a JR and LOVE it! Its perfect for what I need (timer, feed mode, ph probe)


Active Member
Originally Posted by MaTT B
If you want all that I would go with the 3. I dont know much about it but I do know if you want ALOT of extras just go with the 3. I have a JR and LOVE it! Its perfect for what I need (timer, feed mode, ph probe)
Can you get yours to send you an email if for example the temp goes too high? You can have the system turn off MH for example if the temp goes high, right?

matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by SpiderWoman
Can you get yours to send you an email if for example the temp goes too high? You can have the system turn off MH for example if the temp goes high, right?
I am not sure about the email but I have it if my temp gets to high one light turns off then if it gets higher another turns off and so on.


Active Member
I went with the 3 and some extra components for it like the Ph probe and DC8. It should arrive on Friday and I'll get to start programming it
Can you tell what I do for a living? hehe
I get overly excited about technology :D

matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by SpiderWoman
I went with the 3 and some extra components for it like the Ph probe and DC8. It should arrive on Friday and I'll get to start programming it
Can you tell what I do for a living? hehe
I get overly excited about technology :D
LUCKY!! Let me know how you like it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MaTT B
LUCKY!! Let me know how you like it.
I will keep you posted in my 75 and 150 builds. The 3 is suppose to be for multi tank environments but I don't know if the distance between the 2 tanks is too much.


Active Member
I run the 3 and max you can hook up I think PH probe wise is 2......Programming isn't to bad once you get the hang of it.....Getting the wireless to work or setup can be a nightmare as well IMO.....You are limited by the length of cabling to connect the DC8's and DC4's to the controller as well......The only thing I don't like about the controller is that you can't dim led moonlights, but no biggy.......
Did you ever check out the new RK Elite or the Prolux controllers? The Prolux beats them all hands down.......


Active Member
Originally Posted by acrylic51
I run the 3 and max you can hook up I think PH probe wise is 2......Programming isn't to bad once you get the hang of it.....Getting the wireless to work or setup can be a nightmare as well IMO.....You are limited by the length of cabling to connect the DC8's and DC4's to the controller as well......The only thing I don't like about the controller is that you can't dim led moonlights, but no biggy.......
Did you ever check out the new RK Elite or the Prolux controllers? The Prolux beats them all hands down.......
I was interested in the ReefKeeper Elite, but they have no idea of their release date. I emailed the guy a while back asking for an estimated release date and he was a total &(*^*&^ about it. As far as I'm concerned, I don't care how low they lower their price I would not buy from someone who thinks it's too much work to reply to emails. Prolux I believe is way higher in their pricing and I haven't heard of anybody running them. We have at least 5 guys in our small club running 3 and a few others running Jr. So if I need any help with ours, I can turn to them for help :)


Hello, We have an ACIII - you will love it - get out your check book for all the options

Honestly I don't know what we did before we had it - the automation is GREAT.


Active Member
Heheh I hear ya! I ordered it the other day with these components
Of course afterwards I heard that I really don't need the interface hardware and alarm module :)
I should have them in my little hands on Friday!!


Active Member
Hey SpiderWoman do you ever go to --? There is a sweet thread on doing a remote LCD screen for the ACIII.


Active Member
Originally Posted by acrylic51
Hey SpiderWoman do you ever go to --? There is a sweet thread on doing a remote LCD screen for the ACIII.
I don't... if I had more time in my hands I'd probably frequent multiple boards, but I really like it here, have been here a while and I pretty much get my fix. I'm here and our local reef club's forum. If I have a real problem, I probably post first at our local just because the guys answer faster and I can get an actual person to come over if I have an emergency. We have a *help* network setup that hopefully works when needed.
Tizzo, did you ever need to use it when you were in our club?
(not sure if she has read this thread, but we'll see).
Acrylics, I may now have to go and read that thread :) Thanks!

matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by SpiderWoman
My toys are in! And of course I won't have time until tomorrow night to start playing with them :dang:
Let me know if your clock runs fast on it. Mine runs about 2 mins fast every day but it has a little leap sec thing so you can edit it but you have to know the exact amount of how much it skips. Thats the only thing I dont like


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mikesin
WOW, you have patients!!!! lol
My evening was already booked for some coding that I promised for tomorrow morning. Tomorrow we have a fish food party at our club where we'll be preparing food for our fishies, so the only logical available time I have is tomorrow night after my twins go to bed :)


New Member
Have you had any luck with this controller at all. I'm also a programmer and would like to write my own control programs.
My main question is, are you easily able to retrieve the logfiles from the device via ethernet?


Originally Posted by SpiderWoman
Tizzo, did you ever need to use it when you were in our club?
(not sure if she has read this thread, but we'll see).
Acrylics, I may now have to go and read that thread :) Thanks!
Haha, look who's late to the party!

I never had to use the support system in person, however I have been called upon myself from a few of them and I hafta say I was well... honored.
You absolutely have the best reef club in your area spidey! The forum, the advice, the knowledge, the ls support... top notch!
Other ...
... clubs would do well to copy RASOC.