Nervous about getting first fish!!


I think maybe I just need someone to say "take a deep breath and relax"...but I think I am ready to add a fish to my tank...I'm just nervous!!

Here are my concerns along with my tank's situation and its parameters...
55 gal
pH 8.2, Amm: 0, Nitrites: 0, Nitrates: ~15, Temp: 78-80
These have been the readings for a couple of weeks now and my clean-up crew seems to be doing awesome. I have lots of live rock, base rock, and live sand. There are diatoms in my tank along with the little round spirally worm that attach themselves to everything (I can't remember what they are called
My concern is that I want to start with a fuzzy dwarf lion. Is my nitrate level going to be low enough for him, and if he is not used to eating frozen food, how do I wean him off of live food?
I know you all will have lots of words of wisdom
Any help is appreciated
Beth ***)


If it was me, I would start with a smaller less expensive fish. However, in my experience with SW, I think it is easier to keep fish then inverts. But thats JMO. So if your clean up crew is doing fine, I'd say a fish would do fine as well. It really depends on the type of fish I guess. You may want to do a water change to go ahead and knock those trates on out.


Well..... You just march yourself down to that LFS a get that fish young lady!!

Good job, can't wait to hear how your first fish experience goes! :happyfish


Active Member
just pick your fish carfully. if it looks healthy and swimming all around the tank you should be fine. but i also agree with Ray28576, you might want to get a less expensive fish. but thats just me and i would also agree about doing a water change.


Sounds like you are very much ready, Now take a deep breath and go for it ..Best of luck to you and your new buddy


If your nervous id say start with a damsel they are great starter fish and you can always take him back to the lfs a couple of months if you dont want him or if hes in danger when you get the lion


Remember that Lions will probably eat your crabs! Poor little crabs =D Happy fishing and best of luck to you!!! :happyfish


Lions are very hardy and can survive a long time in bad water conditions.
Your tank is cycled and ready, so I say go get one.
My fuzzy dwarf has tons of personality. Every time I get near the tank, he swims to the front and begs for food.


Ok, I feel better now! Thanks for all the encouragement! I have had my heart set on a fuzzy lion, and have also heard that they are not too picky about water parameters. I think I'm going to FINALLY get my first fish. Next weekend.

ShrimpDaddy: does your lion eat frozen food or live...? If he eats live, what kind of clean up crew do you have?
Thanks again all!
Beth ***)

my way

Active Member
Have you decided what else you want to keep with the DFL? The reason I ask, you want to put the least aggressive fish fist and the most aggressive last. Also, make sure you see your Lion eat something other thane Brine Shrinp and Live Foods before you purchase it. Make sure it aggressively goes after it's food, this will save you lots of aggrevation in trying to get it to eat once introduced to your tank.


Even if it only eats live, fedder shrimp are extremely cheap (10 for a dollar at my lfs).
Just make sure to gut load them first.


Originally Posted by Drewsta
or buy the damsel wait a month get the lion then let the lion eat the damsel

that's one expensive feeder!


Active Member
Originally Posted by moby
Well..... You just march yourself down to that LFS a get that fish young lady!!

Good job, can't wait to hear how your first fish experience goes! :happyfish

:hilarious Hey!! that's MY line!!
Best of luck with that Beth. I'll be there with you to welcome him/her into the family!! Cant' wait!!!
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
My Way: I am planning on adding (in this order...I think...)
Valentini Puffer
Maroon Clown
Flame Angel
Is this appropriate? Any other suggestions?



Your list sounds good, as well as the order you have them in.
Just be sure to add them slowly.
I am assuming you are going with FOWLR and not a reef?