Net to Fish


New Member
I am new and I have just set up my grandmothers tank. It is a 55 with live sand and about 15 pounds base rock and around 10 pounds of live rock. I was looking at the live rock today and seen something that looks like spider web coming out of the bottom of it . then i seen it moving back in the rock. It is very clear just like a spiders web. Like I said I am new that was my first tank that i have ever done . I have looked at all the threads on here and searched the net but couldn't find any thing like it.. Could some one Plezzz Help tell me what it is or if I need to get rid of it ........ :confused:


Welcome to the boards :)
Unfortunately it is going to be next to impossible to get an id on what you are describing. Numerous critters in our tanks can expel a weblike substance, just some examples would be various zoanthus species, anenmones, certain tube worms, etc.
More then likely there is a small animal that you can not see in the cracks or holes in the rock, and due to the stresses that happen when you set up a tank, namely the initial cycle, can cause marine life to emit that weblike substance. I believe it is typically a defense mechanism for the animal but not 100% sure on that, I'm sure others will chime in with more advice.
Welcome again to the boards and a great hobby.


New Member
I was looking at it and it looks like it's using the web like are to feed i cant see the whole thing because it is up in the rock ...:mad:


as the days go by, you should be able to figure out what it is doing. When I set up my tank, I too had strands coming out of my rock. I noticed it was pulling sand grains to the rock and making tubes going from the dsb to the rock.
IMO, I would leave it alone for the time being.
Expect to see ALOT more stuff over the next several months that are new and strange looking.
Welcome to boards, and dont hesitate to ask questions, lord knows I have asked a ton here.


welcome to the board.
what you have sounds like a sessile snail that throws a catch net into the water column but I cant remember what they are called right now.
but normally the webbing will be cast from a spiral looking shell that may be really small even though the net is large in comparison and doesnt move at any time. . does that sound like what you have?>