never had a fish die?

fish master

iam just there anyone out there that has had their tank set up for a long period of time,and has never had a fish die


Active Member
Saltwater, i've had my tank setup for 10 months and haven't had any fish die.
When i had a freshwater aquarium, i had three goldfish for 3 years without them dying - then an icestorm hit and i didn't have power for a week...

fish master

i had a tank with 12 fish in it one time.we lost power while we were away.when we came home they were all dead.we were very upset,now i have a whole house wont have to worry about that again.those fish were about 600.00 dollars.that hurts

florida joe

Well-Known Member
My friend I mean this with all due respect Every living thing dies some times fish just die as humans do for no apparent reason but all we can do is give them the best care we can and enjoy them. a fish can live for a day or years no one knows I just try to enjoy them while I can I know this is not an answer to your question but then again it may be


I haven't had a fish die......this week.
Seriously, I was doing very well the last year and my mandarin jumped out of my tank 3 weeks ago. No idea why or how. I've never heard of a mandarin jumping...
I also had a green chromis (I think) choke to death a few months back. He was eating and just stopped moving.
I gotta agree with Florida Joe. Everything dies. And as you can read in my post, sometimes they die without us messing anything up...
It's like keeping count of accidents in the factory, I am now at 21 days 'accident free'.


had mine since Oct 07...havent had anything die on MY PART. I put 3 fire fish in last Sat, came home Sunday...and 1 was dead, but I think it was sick anyways....I dont count that as a lose. The store gave me money back plus some for trouble I had.


this is what i think once one fish commits suicides or dies they all commit suicide or die...........mother nature is so cruel


i havent lost a fish... in a very long time.. .... almost a year???
BUTTTTTTTTTTTT... i havent seen my sixline wrasse in almost two weeks.... he was doing perfectly fine last time i saw him? everytime i feed the tank he was the first one out.. thats how i noticed...


Originally Posted by fish master
its funny how you can get attached to the fish just like its one of your dogs or cats.
I dont know about that. At least not for me.
When my dog die we had had for about 12 years I got his name tattooed on my wrist.
When my cleaner shrimp died I was upset that I couldnt find one as cheap as I got it for. Same for lizards. I've had iguanas and all that. Didnt shed not one tear for them.
They dont love you back. Their brains arent wired for it. Theyre just pretty.
Originally Posted by phelpz
I dont know about that. At least not for me.
When my dog die we had had for about 12 years I got his name tattooed on my wrist.
When my cleaner shrimp died I was upset that I couldnt find one as cheap as I got it for. Same for lizards. I've had iguanas and all that. Didnt shed not one tear for them.
They dont love you back. Their brains arent wired for it. Theyre just pretty.

My puffer loves me back.


Active Member
I don't often lose fish anymore (except I do have trouble with Cichlids) but when I started out in sw... I killed many.
Frankly, I think the concept of "never losing a fish" is more a function of luck than skill. If you've never lost a fish, you're lucky. Skillful yes, but there is no level of skill that can guarantee this, unless you are wise enough not to get into this hobby in the first place.
Things happen. I had a puffer once that broke a tooth on something in the tank. He never ate right after that and ended up starving. I don't consider that my fault or a lack of skill. Other members here mentioned power outages, etc.
Poop occurs.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SCSInet
Poop occurs.
Or My avatar.... he he he...
I agree I had a ich outbreak that killed all my fish once they were in QT. Legitimatly my fault for not Quarantine them first. But I have had several since that have died for no reason typically from acclimation shock which IMO if acclimating was done properly is no ones fault. However for the record my oldest living creature to date is my cleaner shrimp. Almost a year now and thats as long as I have been in SW tanks..


Hi spidey
, I've also lost fish. I've had a sixline & watchman goby just up and disappear.
Also lost 2 butterflies to starvation.
Gonna be a while before I try butterflies again...grumble..