I have recently set up a ten gallon nano and it is currently cycling. I have a 3 inch caribsea aragonite bed and 16lb of carribbean live rock. For circulation I am using a Skilter250, Minijet 101, and Minijet 404 (101 is facing surface). Hitchikers include lots of kinds of sponge (probably die), some sort of orange thing (closed polyps, tunicates?) yet to be identified, and red caulerpa. I built my own canopy wired with three screw in fixtures. In the fixtures I put 2x19W 6500k bulbs and 1x10W Coralife 50/50 bulb. I put reflective surface on the top and added a 13W bookworm with a actinic 03 replacement bulb. Grand total of 61W of light for cheap over a 10gal. Pictures to come....