New 10 Gallon Tank!



Hey guys! Brand new to the forums so, nice to meet you all!
I recently started a 55 gallon saltwater tank, just about 2 weeks ago now. My Ammonia is pretty much gone and am starting my Nitrite cycle. I have 1 Percula Clownfish and 1 Ocellaris Clownfish. 5 pounds of LR, 27 pounds of dry rock. Also with Fiji Pink Sand. API Filstar M and a Maxi-Jet 600.
I just started a new 10 gallon SW tonight. I have the Bio-Wheel Filter Penguin 100 (HOB) so far for equipment. I also have 2 pounds of live rock, 10 pounds of live sand and I just took some sand from my 55 gallon and just spread it across the 10 gal, is that okay? I also for the 10 gal am doing the shrimp cycle. I put it in one of my socks since I didn't have any nylons to put it in.
Just for you all to know, NO fish will go in the 10 gallon until fully cycled :)
Questions I have:
1. Do I need a light right now for cycling?
2. Do I need a heater for it yet? Or can I wait until its cycled?
3. Has anyone cycled a 10 gallon with a shrimp here? If so, how was it and how long did it take you?


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Hentz http:///t/392965/new-10-gallon-tank#post_3492889
Hey guys! Brand new to the forums so, nice to meet you all!
I recently started a 55 gallon saltwater tank, just about 2 weeks ago now. My Ammonia is pretty much gone and am starting my Nitrite cycle. I have 1 Percula Clownfish and 1 Ocellaris Clownfish. 5 pounds of LR, 27 pounds of dry rock. Also with Fiji Pink Sand. API Filstar M and a Maxi-Jet 600.
I just started a new 10 gallon SW tonight. I have the Bio-Wheel Filter Penguin 100 (HOB) so far for equipment. I also have 2 pounds of live rock, 10 pounds of live sand and I just took some sand from my 55 gallon and just spread it across the 10 gal, is that okay? I also for the 10 gal am doing the shrimp cycle. I put it in one of my socks since I didn't have any nylons to put it in.
Just for you all to know, NO fish will go in the 10 gallon until fully cycled :)
Questions I have:
1. Do I need a light right now for cycling?
2. Do I need a heater for it yet? Or can I wait until its cycled?
3. Has anyone cycled a 10 gallon with a shrimp here? If so, how was it and how long did it take you?
Hello and welcome to the site!
First, I'm a little concerned and confused, you said you set up the 55g tank 2 WEEKS ago???? If you just started the nitrite cycle and the ammonia is just about gone (pretty much).....why do you have fish in there, or did you cycle with a fish and didn't know about the shrimp trick? At any rate, you should be doing daily water changes until it cycles and that will take a while since you added fish already
Next...You won't need a light for an unoccupied tank.
You can, and I have cycled a 10g with shrimp, you can just drop the shrimp in without a "sock" and if you don't want to do that, then place the shrimp in a fish net and let it just sit in the tank, and as for how long...LOL...until it cycles and the ammonia and nitrites are completely gone. To use some sand from the 55g to put in the 10g is a good thing.
A warmer tank will allow the cycle to go faster, the bacteria loves it to be warm, so a hearter will help.
I'm glad you decided to join us...hope I helped some.

red tiger

Seems you are 1/3 done with your cycle, So both clowns are in your 55 while your doing your cycle?
The bacteria we are trying to get in our tanks do not require the light, so in that sense you don't HAVE to. There are creatures in the live rock that come out at night and hide during the day, and during the day others take their place etc.
The heater, what is the temperature of your tank without it? I can't see why you wouldn't need it, unless your water drops below 70 during the day, my water usually 76-78 and i don't use one at all. My biocube runs 78-80 all day long! So that is up to where in the states you reside.


 Hello and welcome to the site!
First, I'm a little concerned and confused, you said you set up the 55g tank 2 WEEKS ago????  If you just started the nitrite cycle and the ammonia is just about gone (pretty much).....why do you have fish in there, or did you cycle with a fish and didn't know about the shrimp trick? At any rate, you should be doing daily water changes until it cycles and that will take a while since you added fish already
Next...You won't need a light for an unoccupied tank.
You can, and I have cycled a 10g with shrimp, you can just drop the shrimp in without a "sock" and if you don't want to do that, then place the shrimp in a fish net and let it just sit in the tank, and as for how long...LOL...until it cycles and the ammonia and nitrites are completely gone. To use some sand from the 55g to put in the 10g is a good thing.
A warmer tank will allow the cycle to go faster, the bacteria loves it to be warm, so a hearter will help.
I'm glad you decided to join us...hope I helped some.
Yes I just started the 55 2 weeks ago. I cycled with the fish and didn't know about the shrimp until afterwards. So I am doing a little experiment I guess!
Agh okay. And I have a little Tetra 50w heater in the 10 gallon, just feels like its not really warming up lol. But I'm going to pick up a bigger heater and more live rock today.


Seems you are 1/3 done with your cycle, So both clowns are in your 55 while your doing your cycle?
The bacteria we are trying to get in our tanks do not require the light, so in that sense you don't HAVE to. There are creatures in the live rock that come out at night and hide during the day, and during the day others take their place etc.
The heater, what is the temperature of your tank without it? I can't see why you wouldn't need it, unless your water drops below 70 during the day, my water usually 76-78 and i don't use one at all. My biocube runs 78-80 all day long! So that is up to where in the states you reside.
Yes they both are in my tank for the cycle.
Agh okay. Because my friend was recommending I use a light durng the cycle which really made no sense to me lol.
The 10 gallon seems to run at about 72. I'll have to put my thermo in. I have a little tetra 50w heater which doesn't seem to do anything. And I live in Las Vegas. Very warm :flamed:


Originally Posted by Hentz http:///t/392965/new-10-gallon-tank#post_3492928
Yes I just started the 55 2 weeks ago. I cycled with the fish and didn't know about the shrimp until afterwards.
Wow, you cycled with Clownfish?? I am surprised you didn't get killed on here...Most people do not cycle or do not approve of cycling with fish anymore, but with Clowns

I am certainly glad you learned the shrimp cycling now