New 10g NANO!!


finally setting up some tanks i have around the house. The 10g is first, i have about 30lbs of sand, 15-20 lbs of rock and for equipment:
1 PH
1 whisper 10g
AcuaFliter Fuge 30
100W heater
30w Fixture
i will post pictures but for now what corals could i keep with this little light?? some zoas maybe??


Active Member
Originally Posted by blizz75
wow im surprised, this will be my first reef set up so are these corals easy enough to care for??
very easy


Its only been set up about a day but the rock has been in my 75g for over a year and a half and the sand is from the same. The water is partially from my 75g and the rest made up so while it is new it is pretty mature.
Triga22, what would be some good corals to start with and how many can i add with out affecting the bioload??


Active Member
I see you have 30 watt fixture. Is that PC ? You could add a bunch of corals and it should really affect it. If its PC you could do sofies so shrooms, kenya trees, polyps, zoas, and other leathers and such. I would add about 4 smaller corals.


I have a 10 gallon with 36 watts of PC and keep gsp, mushrooms, zoos and a kenya tree without any problems. These were also my first corals with plans to add more. Nice looking setup you got. Good luck with the tank.