new 10g second prelim. week


Well-Known Member
In my continueing half hearted effort to start a new tank, I actually bought the tank. Was out of town and a petsmart had a 10g for ~9 bucks. Tank won't be set up for months but still had to buy. Also experiemnted with concrete in an effort to get porous rocks. I know there is such a thing as air entrained (sp ) concrete so if anyone has any ideas of how to do that I would appreciate. I did set up three test plugs with portland cement, play sand and crushed oyster shells. Total outlay thus far:
tank $9.00
portland cement $9.00 (94 #)
150# play sand 9.00 (3@$3)
40# c. oyster shls 3.00
styrofoam cups .10 (didn't use much)
for a grand total of $31.10
If nothing else I did get most of the boxes out of the room and into the back yard storage shed :D


Active Member
I have made some of my own rock/aragocrete stuff. I have tried a variety of ways of infusing air into the portland cement mixture .... including:
using a neighbors air compressor and shooting air through airline tubes .....
Putting spaghetti noodles in the mix - including the little nubbin's - they will eventually disolve and create air pockets
Using plastic tubing, coffee stirrers and straws for holes
The spaghetti worked the best - air compressor made a hellacious mess with no apprecialbe results
straws and stuff did not work out very well but the airline tubing was pretty sweet -some twisty tunnels.
I have slowly mixed pieces into my 20 and 5 gallon and they soon looked like the rest of the rock!! It is fun - but - here you will freak
I used RO/DI water for the mix
I used aragonite sand - not just water ever I had handy....
I used RO/DI water to cure it (adding vinegar helps cut the curing time)
I changed the curing (fresh)water weekly for six weeks
I then cured it in salt water for week.
Knowing your advice - I'd just advise against you trying it - you have to have patience, change the water, use purified substances, and you can't involve mollies or macro algeas in any way to speed things up ......


Well-Known Member
thanks and excellent ideas. will include.
Come on a molly in concrete? But I really like the spagatti advice. :D
And i am just sure the nitrAtes saved in your rocks really made a huge difference yea really sure. think I will use tap thank you.
and the time was what i learned from various web sources. So was expecting a 6 week cure.
One interesting idea for smaller rocks was to place them in your toilet tank. That way the get fresh water everytime you flush :D


ever try using Ice Cubes? Like in those Ice candles. Fill the container with ice, poor in hot wax and wa la. Your concrete might set enough to hold the shape when the ice starts melting.


one other thing, you might try making it in a big tub (at least 2' in dia) then you can brake it up. Might make it look more natural.


Active Member

Originally posted by beaslbob
And i am just sure the nitrAtes saved in your rocks really made a huge difference yea really sure. think I will use tap thank you.
One interesting idea for smaller rocks was to place them in your toilet tank. That way the get fresh water everytime you flush :D

Sure it did not save any on trates, but plenty on knowing for sure he had no heavy metals leach into his rocks. Oh yeah think about all the cleaning products that have been put in, and around your toilet.


Active Member

Originally posted by broncofish
Sure it did not save any on trates, but plenty on knowing for sure he had no heavy metals leach into his rocks. Oh yeah think about all the cleaning products that have been put in, and around your toilet.

Yes!! Thanks Bronco.
Hmmm never thought of the ice cube trick. I have a few different sized ice cube trays - next time I will try that.
The other thought is that if you mix it dryer then there will be more air flow and less bonding and more shrinkage creating air caps .....


beaslbob, you could also fill your drinking class out of the Toilet tank too. I think it might turn you teeth blue though if you have one of those bowl fresheners in there.
Bronco, I got it all set up for the water test. I'll post a pick tonight. Going good so far.


Active Member

Originally posted by .357
Bronco, I got it all set up for the water test. I'll post a pick tonight. Going good so far.



I have tried the ice-cube trick and it works will have to experiment a little bit to get the mixture dry enough so when the ice melts it does not make the concrete mix brittle in that area.....Goodluck!!!!