New 120 Need Advice Have Pics


Ok i am a noob to this hobby and wanted to know if i did my auqascaping right? Is there a right way and a wrong way? This is going to be a reef tank. There is a 120 pounds of LS and 125 pound of LR.
Any advice good and bad would greatly help
Thank You



Is there enough places to attach coral to? There is between 12-16 inchs from the glass to the rocks.


Active Member
Looks good to me.
Can we see a side shot?
I noticed you have the Hydor Koralia Power pumps (at least that's what they look like). Do you like them? Which one do you have? I was thinking about ordering two of the Koralia #3 (850 gph) for my 125 gallon tank. I would like to know what you think of them so far. ***)


Active Member
Originally Posted by montdj
Ok i am a noob to this hobby and wanted to know if i did my auqascaping right? Is there a right way and a wrong way? This is going to be a reef tank. There is a 120 pounds of LS and 125 pound of LR.
Any advice good and bad would greatly help
Thank You

Definetely make sure your magnet can clean all three sides. Meaning, leave atleast 1-2 inches clearence on the sides.


They are the number 3 pump. There working pretty well good flow. Dont have much to compare them to but seem to be working good.


Active Member
Originally Posted by montdj
They are the number 3 pump. There working pretty well good flow. Dont have much to compare them to but seem to be working good.
Glad they are doing good for you. I've decided to order those same PH for my tank. They use less wattage as most other PH I've seen. I won't have anything to compare them to either (I'm a newbie
), but I think they will work for what I want.


can i suggest that it does look like a great wall, but you should get it off of the glass for sure, creates dead spots and very hard to reach and clean areas


I did put some power heads behind the rocks to keep water moving. Thats what the lfs told me to do. There a couple of mj and there on the back wall firing at each other. Is that good or should i move everything? Oh by the way i watched some stuff flow around the tank it would go behide the rocks then come back out and so forth.


I think you have enough rock, but you know what they say never is never enough =).....Do you have a sump or fuge, you can add LR and LS in there as well for filtration. It looks good, when you aquascape have spaces so fishes can swim by the rocks. Welcome, and patience is a virtue....Take your time, choose right and enjoy....
Good Luck~~~~