New 120Just rocks and sand


Active Member
Sorry to disappoint you, but the dog picture is my favorite is as well. Just wondering, are your rocks resting on the sand or the bottom of the tank? If they aren't on the bottom, I would take the sand out and place them in first because otherwise they tend to shift. If they are already one the bottom then it looks like you're good to go, the rockwork is nice.


Active Member
Personnally, I don't like to have any rock on the sides. I put it just close enough 2 squeeze a dowl w/ razor by it. Looks great let the spending begin!


Ya the rocks are on the bottom then the sand. The ph are making some pretty cool waves in the sand. As for scraping there isnt to mant spots i cant reach and there on the back of the tank. The other 3 I should be able to completly clean. Thanks for all your replys


Active Member
Oh, that last pic is just adorable!!!!! What a sweetie!!!! Congrats on starting your tank. I'm hoping to get my 125 up and running in the next week or so.

(OK, I must have been typing when you posted the other puppy picture. THAT one is the cutest. Just can't stand it. :hilarious )