new 125 brown algae just started today


tank is like brand new. i started the lights soft for 3 days so far. MH on for 5 hours and VHO actinics for 10 hours. started getting brown algae on upper rocks... sand and glass is clear just the rock...... phos reads 0 on my salifert kits.... nitrate ill test now... but i turned off lights right now..... even if i have 0 phos and 0 nitrates..... cause the tank is new with light will that still cause it and then go on its own? or do i have another prob?
*EDIT* i havnt fed tank yet at all and nitrates are like 20-25 looking color to me.... i guess ill have to work on a 15 gallon water change. this week.
This happens in almost all new tanks. Good rule of thumb is .5-1 snail per gallon of water. Snails will keep it clean. It's a diatom algae. Most salts have a relevent deal of silicate in them. This feeds the diatoms. After initial start up you'll never put enough fresh salt water in the tank at once to cause this again. Get some turbos or astera snails to keep it under control. if you can't get any snails keep the lights to a bare minimum.


thanks yea i tested my tank i never had fish in it but nitrate is 20-25 i cant figure out why if i didnt feed it so i assume this is also whats causing it.. so im making rodi water now in garbage can to do like a 30gallon water change or so. but i can get snails..... i just havnt figured out what to get... hermit crabs i hateeeee cause they just eat snails and eachother..its a waste of money so ill get something ill figure it out.. emerald crabs and sally light foots for crabs. and ill get about 10 mexican turbo snails and about 20 astrea snails... and maybe 10 nassarius snails. for now and try that.... and after that when i get my 2 perc clowns ill get the lawnmower.. if it eats diatoms... i know they chow greeeeeen and last fish are tangs which will help but thats not for a month or so
Blenny will snack on it, but the snail love the stuff. Place them on the rocks so they can go right to work. They'll eat it up in no time.