New 125 gal


OK i just got a new 125 gal tank, and a 55 gal to go under it for a sump. The 125 has overflow boxes and holes drilled in one in each back corner. I want to make the 55 an over flow tank that I can put in a DSB and as much LR as I can for better filtration. The 125 will be a fish only tank with 2 - 3 large pieces of LR for places to hide.
I have never does this before, as in the past (10 + years ago) everything was under-gravel filtration. I want to have my filters and protein skimmer on the 55, but I have never used anything other tank hang on filters and skimmers.
If I am understanding the premise behind this, I will not be able to have the 55 filled to the top, as normal so there is room in case of a power outage. So I will not be able to use hang on flitter and skimmers.
What is the best way of going about this, Can I get filters and skimmers that will set in the tank, and will I need extra power heads for this (aside from the one that will take water back up to the 125)? Also to do this will I need to get a partition for the 55 to keep sand and rock to one side and the filters to the other, or should I forget the DSB all together in the 55?
Any help would be hot, also if there is a link to a page with diagrams that would be great. I am a bit slow on the uptake (in my old age of 31) and need to have illustrations.
Thanks in advance
Ps, if I have left anything out that you think would help, please feel free to say so.


Active Member
Well, this is kinda difficult to explain it all...
You will need to divide the 55 into 3 chambers.
1st chamber. This will be where the water comes into it. You cann add pads here or anything to mechinacaly clean the water.
2nd chamber. This is where the sand and rock go. Have an overflow from chamber 1 into this.
3rd. This is where your pump will go. Have an overflow from the 2nd chamber to this one.
You can get plexiglass from any home store and make your own dividers. Cut slits in the top (like the overflows in the tank) to allow water to flow over. Use aquarium silicone to seal them in.
Be sure and get a good submersible pump. Put a valve on it to allow control over the flow.
Control the sump level by the 2nd partition. Leave the 1st one high and the 2nd one lower to control the level in the sump. You have to play with it to get the level where it will not overflow and will not run the pump dry when it evaporates.
Also, O would place some sort of filter over the 3 chamber to trap anything that comes off the rock and help trap any air bubbles from the skimmer. Also, run prefilters on your pumps.
Very easy to do all this, takes a little time and patient.
Good Luck


Active Member
You can place your skimmer in the same compartment as your return pump. I recomend a berlin skimmer. Easy to adjst and service.