New 125 gallon fish tank! cycling pictures


Active Member
Hey guys,
This is my new 125 i finally got it set up! :jumping: ...its cycling now running an ecosystem 3612 for the filter...i haven't added the miracle mud waiting a couple of days for the salts and everything to become completely mixed. also im wondering how soon can i had 2 clowns to start helping the cycle? ...mind you its going to end up being a reef tank... the main lights go in, in about a week...right now i just have standard lights. also my custom made rocks will go in around thursday this its a BABY tank still
here are some pictures... please let me know what you guys think!!!! and what i can add to make it really cool and what i should aviod...etc
thank you for your thoughts!
~chris :)



Active Member
its going to be a reef...but thats the same question im asking myself! ...i just had an aggressive 55...but everyone thought it would be a good idea to die in the move..and by them i mean the fish.
but im looking for smaller schooling, less agressive fish


reefs can be so beautiful ..
but , IMO fish are just a little more entertaining. :happy:


Active Member
Thank you so much for the kind words! ...My tank is now cycled...levels are at 0 so tommorrow my 2 clowns go sooo excited!
give me 5 months and it will be the coolest 125 in the midwest!


Active Member
thank you jayc, i cant wait either!... i got more live rock 3 days ago...and my clowns go in tonight...and on saturday my yellow tang is going in...and then NEXT saturday my blue hippo is going in...then they'll be the only ones for about a month/month and a half...and around that time im going to start adding coral


Active Member
thank you, i have some new pictures that im going to post later today, i bought some more live rock, and now i have my tang, and my clowns in my tank... :)


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its a yellow tang, i've had him for about 5 months...werid little guy...but he seems to like his new hope...swimming up and down..up and down...all day long..hehe