New 125 Gallon w/ new Frags

Hello Everyone,
New to this site just starting up my 125 gallon reef. Following is a list of equipment I am using just added some new frags, the tank is about 8 weeks old and I am doing a modified Jauret (plenum style). I made the following additions a wet/dry with bio-balls (I know a lot of people on here don't care for bio-balls but look at the overall system) a Quiet one 6000 for return back to the tank. Then on a closed recirculation line a Quiet one 4000 running thru 3 Lifegard Chemical filters currently I have a 20 micro pleated filter feeding the SeaChem's PhosGuard in the 2nd stage, then Chemi-Pure Elite in the 3rd chemical filter. Then it feeds into a UV sterilizer then to a Chiller after which it dumps back into the sump. I am upgrading the flow in the DT currently have 2 Zoo-Med power sweep powerheads I will be adding 3 Maxi-Jet 1200's. Also building a Coil De-Nitrator to break down nitrates from wet/dry and all others. I have approximately 60 lbs live rock and 60 lbs live sand on top of 60 lbs argonite base sand. My lighting is 2 110 Watt URI Super Actinics, 2 250 Watt 10,000K XM Metal Halides. My night time lighting is 8 1 Watt LED's. Just ordered a AquaC EV-180 protein Skimmer which will be powered by a Mag-7. I also have a fluidized bed filter rated for 300 gallons that will go on the closed loop as soon as I figure out a way to keep from backing up a clogging my pumps when I shut down to clean the micron filter. I have included some pictures of new frags I just mounted and placed in the tank from Zanclus. There were more frags but to many pictures to post all.
Comments or suggestion would be appreciated.

Yes it looks a little bare, however I have about 100 lbs DIY LR curing hoped it would have been done by now but last check ph @ 8.8 it has been curing for a little over 6 weeks. The deal zanclus made me on the 8 piece frag pack I just could not pass it up. When I get more LR it in the tank I will take more pictures. Just can not find good LR locally. So I am left doing DIY rock and seeding it with live sand from GARF.