New 125 Live Rock?


New Member
OK so I have a new 125gal tank once the tank is established I want to have a Black Volitan Lion and A Clown Trigger. For now should I use Live Rock And if do is there any special requirements ie filtration and Light and do levels must be more precise also will I need to use Live Sand and if I use Live Sand do I still use substrate and do I still need to cycle with damsiles. Just so many questions any help would be great.


1)Definately use live rock.
Definately use live sand.
You should have at least 3 watts/gallon for the live rock. Maybe more if you plan on keeping corals and such although not a good idea with Triggers.
Filtration... A wet/dry will do just fine and then eventually a protien skimmer is a must!!!
You will not need to cycle with damsels. Your live rock and sand will do this providing you have enough (you didn't say how much LR). Keep an eye on ammonia and nitrite. First you will see an ammonia spike followed by a nitrite spike. Once your nitrites are gone, your tank has cycled. Your nitrates will gradually rise and this is where water changes and skimming come in handy.
Also, use plenty of powerheads. Current is everything.
Lots of luck to you!!!
[ November 17, 2001: Message edited by: Tacks ]