NEW 12g aquapod....questions


ok well unknown to me my girlfriend bought me a 12g aquapod for my b-day. anyways she just told me b/c i had been looking to get one and she decided to tell me so i didnt order one. So i have some questions as i am new to nano tanks( have 75 fowlr). Im at college right now which is why it will be sweet to get this tank since my other is at home. maybe you guys can tell me if i am forgetting anything.
These are things i have or will get:
water from walmart or cheap RO unit
LR and LS from my 75
salt....what do u think is best brand
Test kits..i have salifert at home but is there a cheaper brand that is still pretty accurate?
am i forgetting anything?
For Fish i was thinking:
2 clowns and diamond goby
cleaner shrimp
what snails and crabs would bo good and how many?
Any help would be great. I am having a hard time thinking of what i need because im busy with classes. i want to have everything ready to go when tank comes(minus fish) so i can start cycling. Thanks in advance for the advice
everything is good but dont start an new cycle that would be dumb just take water out of your 75 during an water change or somethin and lets go with istant ocean.