NEW 12g aquapod


Hello this my first post i was reading this website for about 2 months before buying. I am sure to have hundreds of questions so I will say thanks before i start. My tank has the sunpaq lighting dual actinid dual daylight 6700k and 10,000k and led lunar light. I plan on having LS LR and removing the bio balls. Also thanks to everyone for all of the great info. Any suggestions from any aquapod owners and everyone else is welcome. THANK YOU


I just got mine delivered today. I was thinking of doing the same thing, at least taking out the bioballs and replacing with LR rubble. What does everyone else use as media? I'll probably leave the sponge filter.


as long as you have enough lr in your tank the little bit of rubble you can put in wont change anything by removing bioballs i hve a 24 aqua and only took out the bio balls main thing is water changes i also have a 29gl bio cube removed everything and put in a skimmer and do 5 gl water changes once a week on both tanks


Active Member
I've got a 12g aquapod as well.
A couple of suggestions... replace the stock pump with a Maxi-Jet 900 - you'll get a bit more water flow and the MJ generates less heat than the stock pump, so your water temp won't fluctuate as much. Keep a close eye on your temp when your lights on on. I saw temps over 84degrees the first few days. I started leaving the feeding hatch open and temps stay much more steady now (though I do see a lot more evaporation).
As for media... I use bioballs and the filter sponge. I cut the sponge down quite a bit, basically I just use is as a prefilter to filter floating debris out of the water. I also run a small phosphate sponge/pad that I change every couple of weeks.
Good luck.