New 12g JBJ Nano advice


Active Member
:happyfish Hi. Just bought a 12g nano JBJ Deluxe---what else do I need? i.e. is it really plug in and begin cycling? Thanks :happyfish


Also open up hood and turn 1 of your fans over otherwise you'll have a temp control problem espescially in the summer.


Active Member
And not to sound like a smart azz, but once its in place do not even move it with even just sand in it and no water or LR. JBJ do not have the greatest reputation on staying in one piece so perhaps adding a catch container under it may also be a good idea aloong with an audible water leakage alarm. The two LFS here quit selling them due to cracking issues even on the new models, and then ***** started to handle them. Well what do you think happened. ***** opened one up and set it up for a display unit, and it cracked as well.......Lots of luck.


Active Member
:notsure: Sounds like I'm in for some surfing! I'll be sure to have my waders on!
I hope it works out--going to use rock/sand from my 240g reef to 'seed it' and then just have a single small fish with some inverts..... Thanks ya'll. I will reverse one of the fans in the hood before I even get it set's first on the list: 1. Fix fans, 2. put it somewhere and DON'T move it. 3. Add water, sand, rock. 4. Pray


I've had the JBJ 6g for about 8mo with no crack issues yet, and yes I've slid it around a few times. KNOCK ON WOOD! Good luck!


Active Member
I've heard that many people put in an upgraded pump and replace some of the filter parts--like the bioballs with rubble rock.... With only 12g of room, how big of a powerhead do I need if I only plan to have one small fish and a few inverts? THANKS