New 135gal reef tank


Hello I need to find fish that do will for a newbe and do not eat the coral I would like to have 5 or 6 fish.


The popular choices of hardy (and relatively hardy) reef-safe fish include Clowns, Royal Gramma, Six Line Wrasse, Cardinals, some Tangs.


the most hardy ones are damselfish family, but they are nasty buggers once they settle in. think twice before buying this cheap and hardy, mean little fish.

the claw

Active Member
Throw in a firefish with the above group and you are in. Maybe a dottyback if you want something with a little more attitude.


if u have a 135 gal tank [and hopefuly a QT] get urself a hippo tang or yellow tang, maybe a tomato clown fish[they grow pretty big]. btw forgot to ask, this will be fish only or reef. if only fish, then u can get agresive set up, which includes lionfish, eels [snowflake is easy], puffers, and triggers.

who dey

Active Member
if you want hearty stay away from hippo's they tend to be ich magnets. stick with a few clowns, firefish, chromis, goby's, gramma's, coral beauty or flame angels, yellow tangs seem to be a bit heartier than blue hippo's and should do well in a 135!!

the claw

Active Member
They are fun on their own to watch. Wait until stuff starts showing up on your live rock. :jumping:


Active Member
In a 135g you will want something you can see and a lot of the easyer fish are often smaller ones. So just be patiant and only get a few fish. After the tank and you are well established and healthy in maitianing the tank properly you can add some more larger and exspencive fish like tangs or butterflies and pigmy angels.