new 15 gal items/livestocks questions


hello!~i recently got a 15 gal tank (nano cube), and i got a list of stuffs that i will put on/in to my tank (livestocks will go in later), im not sure what kind light should i get because im more into anemone and clownfishes (maybe some clams)filters:
1x hang on the back protein skimmer
1x wet/dry filter
(please help me with what kind light/brand should i use)
1x (somekind lights, it will be the main light that set from 11am to 4:30pm)
1x (secondary lights, it will be set from 9 am to 7pm)
1x LED moonlight, set from 9:30pm to 6am

1x 25watt submersible heater

do i need a chiller for a 15gal nano tank? (with anemon/clownfish, clams, xenia, some polyps and mushrooms)
(whats a good pump for this?)
exhaust from protein skinner, and a pump/powerhead (not sure which brand/power)
pH control:

do i need a kalkwasser reactor? if so, which brand will be good?
1x electronic pH controller(not sure which brand is good, if 1 of those is a overkill for a nano tank, i will use a digital pH meter)

live rock-roughtly around 21-22 lbs from LPS (will try to get low density one)
live sands-1 bag (LPS sell those in bags just like play sands, are those really 'alive'?)

few colonies of assorted zoanthids
1x colony of xenia
1x anemone(which sp should i get? for my clownfish, or should i use a hairy/fuzzy mushrooms rather than an anemone)
1x clam
1x colony of polyps
1x mushroom
(if possible could anyone give me some suggestions on what type of those should i get to allow them to fit in my tank with out killing eachother, and also have close requirements such as light, water temp and pH etc.)
2x clownfish*false*(hopefully a pair)
2x peppermint shrimps
watchman goby? paired with ?? shrimp? (i could ditch those two if my tank is way too crowd)

8x bulla sp. (paper bubble shells)
4-5 scarlet reef hermit crabs
*should i consider to get 1 cucumber? or i already have enough cleaning crews so the cucumber will starv to death?*
those are the items i would like to have in my nano tank, after i setup the pump/filters, should i leave it running for a week before i purchase my liverock and live sands or i can place them in right away? also, after i placed my liverock+sands in the tank, how long should i let the system running with out put in any living stocks?(cured rocks from LPS) and which livestocks should i place in the tank first?
thanks very much