New 150


New Member
so the day has come where i finally have a aquarium of 150 glorious gallons (Tank dimensions are 48length 24width 30height), putting everythng in place was tough (even with 4 people) but it got done, now the fun part of stocking the aquarium is 4 short weeks away. after cycling the tank i will be adding my bamboo shark (still an egg) and a 4 inch picasso trigger, i have no experience with large saltwater fish/sharks and
have no idea which fish i can put together successfully with no risk of fighting/overcrowding. The list is as follows...
Clown Trigger fish
Picasso Trigger fish
Bamboo shark
Butterfly fish


Active Member
Not sure about the compatability, but don't put them in all at one time. Even the large tanks need to move slow. Start with the least aggressive and move from there.


as far as compability:
the lionfish will be attached by the triggers. IMO you should do a tang, wrasse, and/or an eel in place of the lionfish.


Active Member
Look for the trigger to kill the shark fairly early on. A very bad mix. Both of these triggers can also become quite nasty/aggressive so a peaceful butterfly would also be at risk. Do you want a predator tank or community fish. In most cases the two don't mesh well.


New Member
the bamboo shark would only be in there 1 year tops in a 4 foot tank (or untill he outgrows the tank) i would like to keep the butterfly's but could i do that with a bamboo shark and possibly an eal that could stay in the tank permanently without overstocking and fighting?


Active Member
Can't speak on the shark, but most butterflies are touchy and IMO having them in with a shark or aggressive eel isn't a good idea. There are certain eels that would work well in this tank for the long haul and that wouldn't bother more peaceful fish. I think one of your biggest issues now is the shark and what can be safely housed with it.


New Member
the shark would be my main concern, that in mind are there any lionfish that could be housed in a 150 tall long term, if not I will go with an eal
Thank you in advance