New 15H.


Active Member
How's it lok so far? I have more rock in my 150 to put in, but wanted to wait till cycle is comple so i don't kill off the good stuff. Right now, though it doesn't look it, there is 12 lbs of LR, 3 in SB seeded by a cup from my 150. Been up a week. Amm spiked and is at 0, trites are 0.50, trates are 40. I think I will put in afew small goby and pistol shrimp. Any suggestions on a swimming fish to put in also? Just want 3 to be on the safe side. Would a sexy shrimp be ok with the pistol? I will upgrade lighting later so I can keep corals, any suggestions on that? Thanks for looking



Active Member
I like it, i like the rockwork alot. I'm looking to put a goby in my 10 along wtih my clown (hosting a frogspawn). But yea, i like all the holes and stuff in the rockwork, pretty sweet. And as for corals... i only have experience with frogspawn and mushrooms, and i always hated frogspawn but now i like it alot, its pretty sweet to have especially if you have a clown.


Active Member
Originally Posted by nYgel
I like it, i like the rockwork alot. I'm looking to put a goby in my 10 along wtih my clown (hosting a frogspawn). But yea, i like all the holes and stuff in the rockwork, pretty sweet. And as for corals... i only have experience with frogspawn and mushrooms, and i always hated frogspawn but now i like it alot, its pretty sweet to have especially if you have a clown.
Maybe i will put in a clown and the 2 small gobies :notsure: I am getting a gold stripped maroon for my 150, maybe i can get a pec clown for the 15 :notsure: What lighting do you have that you can keep a frogspawn?


Active Member
I have no idea honestly, all i know is its an Ecplipse and its full-specrum, im replacing it in like 2 months though, but its a pretty sweet light... and the frogspawn looks really healthy. I have a false perc, cuz they're alot cheaper, but a true percula clown would be awesome.


Active Member
WOOHOOOOOOOOO. tank cycled in 1 week, can't believe it. Took a hermit and snail out of my 150 to see how they do, then next week I will order my green clown goby, Randalls goby and pistol shrimp. Do you think my mantis would hurt a sexy shrimp? Would like to get one of them also, I know, I know take it slow.........


Active Member
Mine took a week to cycle, you'll need more than a hermit and snail in there thoguh, i'd grab a few of each.


Active Member
Doing a little research abotu gobys and it says that two of different species shouldnt be in one tank, so having those two gobys may be a problem


Active Member
Originally Posted by nYgel
Doing a little research abotu gobys and it says that two of different species shouldnt be in one tank, so having those two gobys may be a problem
It should be fine. I am getting a randalls goby and green clown goby. Both are fine mixed with unaggressive gobies. Just doing research too
I also have the 150 with non aggressive fish, so can move one if need be.
Thanks for sticking with this thread, I have had many tanks, but never one this small, appreciate your input :joy:


Active Member
i like watching smaller tanks progress... all i have is one ten gallon, cuz im cheap/ broke


Active Member
Originally Posted by nYgel
i like watching smaller tanks progress... all i have is one ten gallon, cuz im cheap/ broke
Well we all gotta start somewhere!
We will be adding some stuff tomorrow, and we redid the LR to suit the gobies and shrimp, I will post a pic after acclaimation. Want to do a small water change tonight to be on the safe side, soooooooo excited. We also getting a solar wrasse and a blue headed coral banded for the 150 gal, can't leave that out!