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I have several reef tanks, one of which is a 29 gallon with a simple hang on Emperor 400 filter (aka by my aquatics pals "nitrate producer"). Currently (and for the last two years) I have no skimmer on it, nor lavish lighting system (110w PC) , no chiller, etc. With only a small macro algae bed, 15lbs LR and 30lbs LS, it has proved to be the least challenging of all of my tanks. I occasionally use carbon and phosguard as media and use RO/DI water for all water changes. All soft corals I have placed in this tank have thrived well. health of your inhabitants and let them dictate what needs to be done and/or purchased.
Edward..can I ask how often you do water changes for the 29?
I want to get a 55 but worry about things getting so complicated with refugiums and all the other stuff. But then they said the 29 leaves little room for error and takes much more maintenance. But I like the idea of simple with just maybe 5 fish.
If you think I am better off with the 55..what items do you feel are essential that I have from the start??And then like you said..let the fish dictate what I need. :happyfish
sorry to cut in here..but I needed your expert advise.