New 20 gallon.



Im setting up a small 20 gallon tank. I wanted to know what you guys thought I could put in it... Any sugestions of fish combonations would be nice...


i think putting in a percula clownfish and a few yellow watchman gobies.Also live rock is a nice addition to the tank as well as live sand.As well as coral you might be able to fit a small hammer in or a scolymia but that's it.


I would put 2 nemo fishes and a rose anemone. And of course some live rocks and live sand. Good luck on your 20 gal. Send us some pics once you get it up and running. By the way it would be a good idea to pick up a clean up crew package for the 20 gal tank.


gobys and percula clowns. Or look at reef tanks maybe you want those with some clowns


New Member
I have 20 in reef lights for sale
1x40 watt 10,000k
1x 40 watt ultra actinic w/moon light
The ultimate 24 hour lightng system!
price: 75.00 includes shipping


a little advise to the new 20 gal. Take all the advice you can get. I started my 20 in Feb. and the first lesson i learned was not to get in a hurry about adding stock. it takes a long time. I started out with the sand,gravel and live rock. after a couple weks i got the clean up crew, i should have got the 2 percula clowns and stopped.
but i got in a hurry and got anemones (that have all died) shrimp (died) and my freakin blue legged hermit crabs are eating my snails.
So ask questions on this board before you take steps, If i had done that i'd have not been out the money nor would the things i bought died.
good luck.


i have been told by several that i shouldn't have gotten the anemones for at least a year. Is that right? I've gotten several from the lfs and they have all died, everyone is telling me that it's because of the lights at first, then got new lights, and now i'm being told that it's to early to put them in.
help us out. i don't want someone else to go through this.


New Member
I would add somthing like a red scooter blenny or a green spot (target) Manderian goby. they're all really fun to watch.