New 220 gal.

What is the best way to change over from a 90 gal to a 220 gal. This is a reef tank. For right now lights and everyting will have to go over, but I will have to keep the lights on the 90 til I can get everything switched over.
kind of. I'm hoping I don't have to cycle the 220. on another site they said just to drain my water in the 90 into the 220 but still leaving my rocks in the 90 covered then mix new saltwater and add to the 220 then transfer rock over and finish filling with 90 tank water. my question is will the fish and corals be ok. I will have to use the lights from my 90. so I kind of need to do it in the same day


Well, I guess that depends on how hardy your livestock is. Using only 90 gallons of cycled water into a 220 is a little bit risky because of the beneficial bacteria factor. I am going to go out on a limb here and say that you will be fine, but keep in mind I have only upgraded from a 46 to a 65 so some other people might want to chime in on this one.