New 24 Gallon Pod (pic)


I just inherited this 24 gallon from a guy that had been neglecting it for nearly 6 months. After a week of cleaning and cleaning and removing aiptasia and trying to ID everything in the tank, making stock lists, doing water changes and generally bringing the tank from the brink of disaster. Here is how it looks today.
Unfortunately I do not have a before picture because I was in a state of emergency when I got the tank because I didn't want to lose the clown and wrasse so I didn't even think of taking pictures.
It has come a long way in just a few days. What do you think?


Originally Posted by TriGa22
REally nice tank. How long has it been set up?
It's been set up for 5 days after the move. The guy before me had it for a year. I had to get rid of a domino damsel, blue damsel and a huge yellow damsel.
A toadstool and several other small corals were lost in the move, but of course none of the aiptasia were lost so I spent about 3 days dealing with that issue. I still need to add a few peppermint shrimp to deal with the remains of them.
The tank now has a yellow wrasse, maroon clown, about 10-15 small blue hermits, 10 or so snails, a serpent star, cleaner shrimp, several feather dusters, some kenya tree frags and a rock of crippled zoos. But, the water quality is acceptable now so I'll be adding a very robust stock list of corals over the next couple months.


Active Member
WOW from what you describe that tank looks awesome. Good luck.
"Careful with the pep, if u get one that feather duster is history."
Is that just for peppermint shrimp or all shrimp and feather dusters? I have 2 a fire shrimp and a cleaner shrimp and none touch my feather dusters. Just curious.


just pep shrimps.i had one and it started eating my christamas tree worms off my porites rock.they seem to go after anything that reacts fast.sort of like how aiptasia retract when touched.get a syringe and inject them with like a charm!


and sfoister awesome lookin tank for your buddy neglecting it!!!!
only advice i have is get ride of about 10 of those hermits.They will slowly kill each other off and starve.i would leave 3-4 in there and about 5 snails.Good luck!


Originally Posted by mushroomss
and sfoister awesome lookin tank for your buddy neglecting it!!!!
only advice i have is get ride of about 10 of those hermits.They will slowly kill each other off and starve.i would leave 3-4 in there and about 5 snails.Good luck!
That may happen, but so far I have had good results with lots of hermits. I used a baster to make sure some food gets dropped to the bottom of the tank and buy larger shells every couple of months. When they get monstrous I take them to the LFS and trade them for smaller ones.
Some of them are getting too big already, knocking over my my zoos and snapping the rubberbands I'm using to propogate my new xenia.. troublemakers.


Couple more pics... My wife apparently took a pic as soon as we got it moved to our place. So, here is the before pic... refer to the first post for the after pic.
The second pic I thought was pretty funny so I figured someone would get a kick out of it too. The cleaner shrimp (since named "Scampi") latched on to me for the entire duration of me moving rocks around in the tank, about 15 minutes. So cool.. I love those little guys.
You can see the maroon (Captain Jack Sparrow) in the back, the yellow wrasse (Sgt. Pepper) is hiding under the sand.
