i just ordered 2 PFO min pendents 250watt DEs i just wanted to know if i would be able to keep shrooms with that, because i have heard that some mushrooms will meal or somethingl ike that and that some coral can have too much light
Depending on the depth of you tank the Shrooms will most likley have to be on bottom or shadded by rocks/other corals. My red started turning white under just 150 de mh
place them on bottom. you may be able to move them up a little later on. They say 250 de is as strong as 400 se so you could really bleach them if they are not use to it.
I have several shrooms in my 125 reef and I use 3x250 DE MH bulbs and 4x96 PC bulbs and my shrooms are doing great! I have them from half way to the bottom.I did put my reds in a slightly shaded area as they don't like the bright light.