Originally Posted by
reefperson http:///t/396217/new-29-biocube#post_3529636
Also after the tank is cycled can I add 2 clownfish I have in my 75 they are best buds
Will there be any aggression problems in the tank
Hi again....
I'm not on here 24/7 I log on, and go through the new posts, you weren't being ignored.
I'm not sure I understand your question...do you want to add the established clowns to the new system, or more clowns to the old system
with the ones you have already? Commas, and question marks helps me, and others, in understanding a sentence. LOL...That's why they are part of our written language. English lesson is now over.
One pair of clownfish per tank, be it a 75g or a 29g. If your clownfish are best buds in the 75g, they will still be friends in a 39g. If you put two new clowns in the 39g, they will get along, there will always be a pecking order, and SW fish establish territory right away. Timing is important to add the more timid type of fish first, so they can establish their territory, and be secure enough to stand up to the more aggressive personalities.
Clownfish are in the damsel family, although USUALLY not as mean. They are not timid fish, they are just small. Clowns can get real nasty toward any critter infringing on their space.