New 29 Gallon Tank advice needed


New Member
Thanks in advance for your help.
We are in the process of setting up a 29 gallon tank. Will be using live sand want to bet to 2.5 -3 inches deep and already cured live rock about 45 pounds of it. Will be buying an aqua c remora protein skimmer today also 2 power heads , however i had two local fish stores tell me to use a HOB filter also. Is the HOB needed?


Im not sure about what your asking, it sounds like maybe your just using a protein skimmer? but protein skimmers are the only form of aquarium filtration that physically removes organic compounds before they begin to decompose. it uses foam fractionation to filter. You will also need some other type of filteration a hob or canister filter. i prefer canister, but its up to you and your budget.


New Member
i thought the HOB filters produced nitrates, what do you recomend just change the filter pad weekly?


You will need some sort of filter, you can't just use a protein skimmer by itself. The filter will not produce nitrates unless you never clean it. If you keep the filter clean (rinse the pad with your weekly water changes) it should help keep nitrates down, not up. I'd also suggest looking into carbon media, I really like ChemiPure Elite. This will also help keep you nitrates and phosphates under control.


BTLDreef is right carbon media is always awsome. Just make sure you rince them in cold water lightly before you put them in. And also like BTLDreef said just rince your filters at every water change, if you replace them every week it will start to get expensive. hope all this helps> im setting up a 29 gallon today also, I have a couple tanks and it gets addicting