New 29 Gallon would like advice?


I have a 29 gallon tank, I want to add more fish and Corals in it. I had it set up for almost 7 months with only a Yellow tail damsel and 2 Peppermint Shrimp I have 60lbs of rock coming. My lighting is 192w PC and I also have a 30 Gallon Sum/Fuge with 65G CSS. I want to add, now correct me if I am wrong
Purple fire fish
mated pair Gold Stripe Maroon Clownfish
Coral beauty
and various other Corals
is this to much, is my lighting ok, can I add more fish?


The lighting should be fine for the frogspawn and shrooms. Fish might be alright but I'm not an expert. It just seems like a mated pair clowns and angle might be a little too much but wait for others to advise about that. I'm not sure about the anemone. I guess it depends a lot on what type of anemone it will be.


everything looks fine for what you are wanting to add.
The maroons will get too big for that tank if you dont plan on upgrading in the future.
A Bubble tip anenome will do just fine in there.
make sure you cure the live rock in a seperate container before adding it otherwise you will probably kill off what you have in the tank already, as the live rock will cause an ammonia spike when you add it.
Good luck


I already have a 135 so I am looking to keep a 29 without taking anything out in the long run, so you thing the gold stripe clowns will get to big for it. I want some other clowns besides just Percs, What is your suggestion.