New 29 gallon


Honestly, I didnt have the money to make a tank that size look good. I think this will be much easier. The only thing I dislike is that the footprint is kind of small. I dont think im going to be able to fit a clam on the sandbed. Oh well.


Active Member
thats one bad thing about 29 gallon tanks once u put the LR in and get it like you want it you tend to not have that much room on the send bed. IMO thats it.


what kind of lighting do you have ? some clams like the rock.


Right now i have 260 watts of power compact. In a week or so im getting a MH retrofit. I could do a Crocea after i upgrade. (NOTE: no clams will be added for several months and until i have MH lighting). A couple questions: Should I go with a 175 or 250 watt MH. And since this tank is made up entirely of the water, rock, sand...etc. i used in my old system, how long do i have to wait until this tank is considered mature? The 90 gallon was 11 months old when i made the switch. Thanks!


i dont see a reason why you cant add anything to it now. you dont have to wait for the tank so mature, its the bacteria in the sand water and rock that matures... i would personally go with the 175, the 250 would be overkill on a tank that tall...