New 29 Gallon


I have a 29 gallon SW tank that has been set up for almost three months now. So far I have 2 blue damsels and a small porcupine puffer. I want to get a tang, and I was considering buying a snowflake eel. Would these all work together?


unfortunately the tang is a no go, they need a GOOD 4 ft long tank to be happy
as for the SF eel... he would prolly be ok with the guys you have now, although just remember that puffer will outgrow your tank with time... porcs get quite large and in a relatively short period of time, and they will also eat a lot of inverts too.. just something to think about :thinking: Not trying to hassle you, but just trying to save you the agony of going through a lot of problems down the road


Active Member
Originally Posted by arsen_36
....what if he traded the puffer with a dwarf lion. would that work out long term?
yeah i think it would work....lions are pretty cool. they have little spikes(well thats what i would call them) and are venomous. but if you want a puffer i think you could trade that puffer in for i think a valentini,sp, puffer.


Active Member
IMO your tank is to small for the aggressive fish scheme i.e. snowflake, puffer etc. Keep in mind the first year or so you have your tank your taste in fish is likely to change/evolve.
If it were my tank and of course its not so take this list for what it is.
Assuming tank is fish-less. Start with pair of false percs. An industry standard and tank bred and raised specimens are easy to come by which usually means a hardy disease resistant first addition.
Then assuming the proper lighting is in place (which should not be to expensive for a tank this size) a hairy mushroom and a toadstool leather. These are corals your false percs are most likely to host with and remove the temptation to add one of those high maintenance, light demanding, temperamental balls of slime some people call anemones.
Maybe give it a month or two at this point. The false percs tend to take some time settling into new tanks and hopefully hosting one of the corals.
Then a six-line and a pygmy/cherub angel. Cherubs stay small are active and in my experience one of the more hardy angels, able to deal with the copper levels they are likely to see on there way to your tank.
Last maybe some sort of small sand sifting goby and some purple mushrooms. Purple shrooms are nearly bullet proof and spread quickly. This time next year you would have a stunning display to say the least.


Thanks for the reef advice. I was thinking about buying another tank for reef, but mine will be fish only. Maybe I should've been specific. My Porcupine Puffer is about 3 inches long, and my damsels..well I honestly don't treasure them. They're just good little pops of color left over from my cycling stages. I realize that by getting a snowflake eel they might be eaten. I also think I'm okay with that loss. What I'm really focused on is my Porcupine Puffer, Lucifer. The only reason why I decided to jump into this hobby was so I could own a porcupine. We got to keep a tank at school and we had two of them, I fell in love. I've done a lot of reasearch and there aren't many things that are compatible with him. Tangs are the only ones I'm interested in out of them all. I don't want any sort of fancy expensive tang, nothing that gets too big. There's one at the LFS that I like. He's very very small and kind of a light grey color with blue-ish looking freckles on his nose. He swims around and nibbles at seaweed all day. I want to get him, and I was hoping that he would be a good addition. I also know that almost any fish I'm going to buy is going to out grow my small tank, so I've already started saving to buy a 55 gallon or maybe even larger.
Sorry for the novel..Thanks.


Active Member
Originally Posted by kaytiiie
Thanks for the reef advice. I was thinking about buying another tank for reef, but mine will be fish only. Maybe I should've been specific. My Porcupine Puffer is about 3 inches long, and my damsels..well I honestly don't treasure them. They're just good little pops of color left over from my cycling stages. I realize that by getting a snowflake eel they might be eaten. I also think I'm okay with that loss. What I'm really focused on is my Porcupine Puffer, Lucifer. The only reason why I decided to jump into this hobby was so I could own a porcupine. We got to keep a tank at school and we had two of them, I fell in love. I've done a lot of reasearch and there aren't many things that are compatible with him. Tangs are the only ones I'm interested in out of them all. I don't want any sort of fancy expensive tang, nothing that gets too big. There's one at the LFS that I like. He's very very small and kind of a light grey color with blue-ish looking freckles on his nose. He swims around and nibbles at seaweed all day. I want to get him, and I was hoping that he would be a good addition. I also know that almost any fish I'm going to buy is going to out grow my small tank, so I've already started saving to buy a 55 gallon or maybe even larger.
Sorry for the novel..Thanks.

im not trying to be mean but the tang is still not going to do good. its not its size, they need lots of swimmimg room. they like to swim a lot and need a lot more than a 29...or even a 55. some people will argue that a 75 gallon is STILL too small for tangs.