New 30G Tank Setup, I have a question?


I bought a new 30 gallon tanks, mix the salt about 5 days ago and added it to the tank 3 days ago. At the time I also cleaned and added live sand. The tank is crytal clear. How do I begin the cycling process? Do I just need to add live rock (25lbs or so) and be patient. Obivously I know to check levels through out the process, just wondering if I know what I was doing? Im sure there is a post related to this, just couldnt locate it. I also went ahead and added a powerhead, so I have the filter, heater and power head, any recommendation for over the tank skimmer?
Thanks, cool board as well.


reef in the in no hurry. Im very patient. I want to do everything the right way the first time if at all possible. I have an awesome LFS that is family owned for 60 years, they have been a tremdous help. I just hate asking the dumbest questions...haha, im more comfortable on here. I plan on FOWLR for 6 months or so. Any ideas or tips greatly appriciated. Haha im proud of the way it looks right now.
Also, I cleaned my sand very well...but it actually seems a bit merky after 3 days, maybe the powerhead is moving sand? is this bad for filter?


Active Member
Its not really. Don't point the Powerhead at the sand. This will cause a sandstorm and bad things will happen....ammonia and other things will rise. What lights do you have? Corals require intense lighting, such as metal halides, some t5s and some of the expensive LEDs. No matter how nice, you must remember your lfs IS a store, trying to make a quick dollar and SELL things.


right now i just have the fluorescent light it the hood came with, i intend on a nice upgrade before adding corals. I will use this cheapo while my tank is FOWLR. My fish store is closed all next week bc they are going on vacation. I will probably get live rock there, any places online you folks would recommened?
I know i feel like im already addicted,
my wife said "you are already on a chat board?", but she is slowly getting more interested...


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by billyjoemac http:///t/391636/new-30g-tank-setup-i-have-a-question#post_3474494
right now i just have the fluorescent light it the hood came with, i intend on a nice upgrade before adding corals. I will use this cheapo while my tank is FOWLR. My fish store is closed all next week bc they are going on vacation. I will probably get live rock there, any places online you folks would recommened?
I know i feel like im already addicted,
my wife said "you are already on a chat board?", but she is slowly getting more interested...
You don't have to rinse the live won't hurt anything, but if you rinsed it in anything but saltwater you killed the good bacteria out of it, which you paid extra for. You can purchase pure ammonia from the store or get a piece of raw shrimp to kick start the cycle. For that first spike, I use the ammonia test strips...they are fast and easy and it isn't necessary to be on target with numbers yet....I save the expensive lab kit tests for later.
You need enough live rock to go half way up the tank. I also hope you know to fill the tank with reverse osmoses water and not use tap or well water. The only real difference between FOWLR and a reef, are the lights.


thanks for all the help, Im glad I only added half of my sand because I washed it in tap water. I can just put the rest of the sand right in the tank?
I filled my tank with purified water...


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by billyjoemac http:///t/391636/new-30g-tank-setup-i-have-a-question#post_3474527
thanks for all the help, Im glad I only added half of my sand because I washed it in tap water. I can just put the rest of the sand right in the tank?
I filled my tank with purified water...
That's fine. Do you have your own RO unit or did you purchase the water from the store? You will need to do top offs. The water evaporates but the salt does not, so keep a mark on the tank where the water level is, and replace with RO water as the line drops to bring it back to the original level. The SG rises as the water evaporates, so to keep the SG at a constant (sea critters do not handle changes well) you need to make sure to top off each day.

mr. limpid

Active Member
Welcome to the site. If you are just starting out here's a few tips: start a Quarantine tank (QT) same time you start display tank (DT) and QT all things wet; add all bag live sand right away, it comes with the stuff Flower way talking about and will cause ammonia spike later in your DT; you'll need some live rock for initial cycle you can always add more later (no worry on ammonia spike, unless if you order it on line); make a wish list of fish and post it for comment and suggestion. You say you have patient, you be tested in this hobby. Good Luck, look forward to see your pictures.


i was thinking after my tank cycles, i would add a shrimp and snail or crab and let those guys hang out for a month or so...I would like an urchin and possibly a pair of fish, not sure which fish are most compatible for this size tanks. Perhaps a pair of clowns. I probably will only have 2 fish or so. Can my QT be a 10 gallon? What the best skimmer for this size? I really dont want to mess with a sump tank at this point. In the future I want corals and will upgrade lighting as necessary. I really appreciate the comments and help. My LFS supplied my first 30 gallons to fill my tank for no charge but i washed half the sand first. I added the rest of the sand straight to the tank. Made it very merky for hours but soon cleared up. How do i post a pic?


Well-Known Member
You're on the right track. Keep listening to experienced aquarists and you will be on your way to a successful tank.


Well-Known Member
You will need rock. Also make sure the rock is on the bottom, not sitting on the shifting sand. Push the sand to the side then add the rock and push the sand back over it. Some folks just wiggle the rock and push it into the sand to reach the bottom, the danger of doing that is if even a corner is supported by the sand and later on a critter digs and causes the sand to shift.... it could make the whole thing topple and kill your critters or break the tank.
Don't add any algae eaters until you have algae for them to eat, or they will starve. Urchins really eat lots of algae, so you need an algae ridden tank to keep one. A 10g tank is plenty for a QT and 2 to 3 small fish are fine to keep in your tank.

mr. limpid

Active Member
I don't recommend a pair of clowns in a 30 gal, unless they will be the only 2 fish. They get very aggressive while nesting and will chase other fish to death to keep them away from there eggs. One clown will be fine with other fish. If you paint the back of your glass a dark blue or black this will make your fish and coral colors pop. You may want to think of up sizing your HOB to double the size required, with a bio wheel, this will help in filtration. Salt water tanks need more filtration then fresh water tanks. Your sand is deep (that's ok by me other may say different) in about 6 months to a year you will need to add nassarius snail, they will maintain the sand bed.


I was thinking 35-40lbs, probably 10lbs at a time bc my LFS gets different rock in every week, so this way I will have a variety...good idea?